Where Exmoor tumbles to the sea
A rich diversity of wildlife on the Porlock Manor Estate
For many people the wild ponies are symbolic of Exmoor and today they roam freely across the moor having been re-established after the Second World War.
However, there are many other fascinating forms of wildlife and the Porlock Manor Estate is particularly rich in coastal, moorland and woodland species.
Red deer have a stronghold on the moor and can be seen on quiet hillsides in remote areas, especially in the early morning. The moorland habitat is also home to hundreds of species of birds and insects. Birds seen on the moor include Merlin, Peregrine Falcon, Eurasian Curlew, European Stonechat, Dipper, Dartford Warbler and Spotted Fly Catcher.
A particular success story has been the Heath Fritillary, one of the UK's rarest butterflies, whose numbers are still in decline. Porlock Manor Estate is one of the few sites in South West England where the Heath Fritillay is thriving, possibly due to the combination heathland and wooded valley habitats.
Copyright 2011 © Porlock Manor Estate
Estate Office: 14 Queen Square Bath BA1 2HN